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Changes to Coffs Harbour Health Clubs


As a Viva Leisure operated health club, you can be assured we will continue to focus on delivering the high quality of service and products you have been accustomed to. As a valued member, we are ensuring that the transition is seamless.

There will be no changes to any current Coffs Harbour Health Club memberships or access to facilities at Moonee Beach or Toormina. There will be no changes to your billing arrangement at this point in time (there will merely be a change on your bank statement to Club Lime/ Viva Leisure). There will also be no changes to current programs or classes for the time being. 

All members will remain subject to the terms and conditions (including cancellation and suspension policies) of their current membership agreement.

In the coming months however, Viva will provide additional membership opportunities inclusive of other Club Lime & hiit republic facilities in Brisbane and around Australia.

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